L3C AI Cloud

L3C AI Cloud utilises the latest IBM PowerAI technology to provide the ideal environment to develop, test and deploy your AI analytics and Machine Learning applications.

Built on IBM Power9 and PowerAI technology underpinned with NVidia Tesla GPUs and enhanced with our extensive team of experts and 24×7 support and SLAs, L3C AI Cloud platform allows support for the most popular frameworks such as Tensorflow, NVIDIA/Caffe, Torch, Theano, and Chainer underpinned with supporting libraries such as DIGITS, OpenBLAS, Distributed Framework, Bazel and NCCL.

You can also bring your own frameworks and libraries as our clients have developed using Shogun, RASA and many other environments.

Our specialist team can help configure the CPUs, memory and GPUs optimised for your need and are available to provide support where necessary.

L3C Cloud Powers your AI and Big Data Projects

L3C AI Cloud provides a platform that is:

  • Up to 4 x faster
  • Supports larger data models
  • 20% cheaper than comparative public cloud environments

The unique to Power9 NVLink 2.0 technology allows faster transfer between CPU and GPU and GPU-GPU while large model support allows up to 2TB data models to be loaded into system memory and cached to the GPUs for processing. This allows data scientists to increase model sizes and work with higher resolution images improving efficiency and reducing project costs, All the time your data is secure within our UK Data Centres.

Whether you are improving business processes or entering new markets with niche solutions L3C AI Cloud  and our technical team can help you achieve your goals quicker and more cost effectively.


Our public sector clients can find L3C AI Cloud on GCloud10 and engage through the established processes outlined there.

Additionally you can access our AI Cloud through our Portal: https://portal.l3c.cloud/

L3C AI Cloud supports all industries

As our recent AI in ActIon event at the Royal Institution demonstrated (https://l3c.cloud/l3c-ai-in-action/) our AI Cloud can support large and small clients alike across multiple industries.

Contact us to discuss how we can help, whether you need a platform to develop and test a project on a short term week or monthly basis or a full deployment platform that can integrate into on premise and public cloud applications we can exceed your expectations.

office@l3c.cloud or 0203 982 5141 (Jerry Crossfield).